====== GeoIP API ====== The API is *very* much in alpha, so let me know if you have any problems or requests. ===== JSON ===== Data will return in JSON by default. If you pass a "callback" param, the data will be passed to a function using the callback value for the function name. ===== Using cURL ===== You can easily use cURL in the command line to test out responses. Example: curl http://geoip.prototypeapp.com/api/locate ===== API Methods ===== Many of these methods will return a HTTP 204 No Content on failure. ==== Locate Method ==== geoip.prototypeapp.com/api/locate This method returns JSON (by default) or XML using the format parameter. If you don't pass it an IP address, it will try to use the referrer's address. ^ Parameter ^ Type ^ | ip | string - an IP address | | format | either 'xml' or 'json' - defaults to 'json' | The response should look like: { "ip":"", "timestamp":1263028293112, "location": { "coords": { "latitude":"33.9269", "longitude":"-117.861" }, "address": { "city":"Brea", "country":"United States", "country_code":"US" }, "gmtOffset":"-8", "dstOffset":"-7" } }